Kirsty's Story

I am Kirsty and I am a former care leaver. I have many things to be thankful for from The Spark Foundation.

When I started college a grant was approved which allowed me to buy a laptop which helped hugely with my research and completion of my assignments when studying CACHE Diploma Level 3 Childcare. Passing this course has allowed me to have the knowledge and understanding to work within different childcare settings such as nurseries, primary and secondary schools as well as SEN settings, including ISP Teynham and Sittingbourne School.

I was then lucky enough to receive a second grant of £300 which went towards a trip to New York with my secondary school! A once in a life-time trip that was made possible because of The Spark Foundation. This gave me the experience of flying in a helicopter around The Statue Of Liberty, going to the top of the Empire State Building and having a good old mooch around the store Macys. These memories will stay with me forever and were only made possible because of the generosity of The Spark Foundation.

Lastly I am thankful to the Panel for giving me the opportunity of being a Trustee on The Spark Foundation Panel which allows me to give my thoughts and understanding of my past experiences in care which can give an added perspective to the panel when receiving current applications. Being a panel member has also enabled me to feel more comfortable speaking in front of a group and boosted my confidence when doing so.

Thankyou time and time again for your generosity and constant belief in me.

When I am in a better position to do so I would love to donate back into the charity.