Reasons for Unsuccessful Applications

The Spark Foundation does not give reasons as to why particular applications have been unsuccessful.  This is because it is a small charity and has very little in the way of administrative resources.  However, the charity recognises that it is useful to publish information about the main reasons why applications are unsuccessful.

The two most common reasons are:

Insufficient funds
The total sum of money requested by applicants is generally more than the charity has to give.  At recent meetings it has been more than twice the amount available.  In these circumstances the trustees apply ranking criteria.

Insufficient information about the amount requested
An amount of money is requested but there is no explanation, quote or hyperlink attached evidencing why that amount of money is needed.  The trustees do not expect an applicant to choose the cheapest option as that may not be good value for money.  But they do expect to understand why an amount is requested especially when it is more than appears to be necessary.

Other reasons are:

The application is out of scope
An application can be out of scope in a number of ways.  For example, the applicant could be asking for things which Spark does not fund or the applicant might not meet Spark’s criteria.

Insufficient information about other sources of funding
Frequently Spark is asked to fund items when it is not clear why other sources of funding, eg the Leaving Care Grant, Pupil Premium or Disability Living Allowance, have not been used.  This is despite the application form asking these questions.

Insufficient explanation as to the difference the grant will make
Sometimes money is requested but it is not clear how that will lead to the outcome which the applicant wants.  Other times it is just not clear why the money is requested and the difference it will make.

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